Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Life is too short to .......

Life is not about keeping track
of different things that burden your sack

It’s not about the number of friends
or how accepted you are by people or kin

Life is not whether you out all the time
or if you’re alone at the drop of a dime

It isn’t about the people who you date,
how many, or who

Life is not about the clothes you always wear
or if you go to the hair dresser

It makes no difference what kind of music you like
or whether you go to the movies by car or by bus

It is not about your nationality
too dark or too light..that shouldn’t be

Life is not about the classes you take
or even about the grades you make

It’s not about what others think about you
or how good you are at sports or music

It’s not about your ability to read and write
or seeing if you are accepted y the majority right

It’s not about how popular you are

But life is about the ones you love or hurt,

about keeping your words and not throwing dirt

It’s about who you make happy and glad
and it’s about doing it on purpose and not being sad

It’s about making sure people can put their trust on you

It’s about keeping a friendship and making new friends

It’s about keeping what to say, and how to show your emotions

It’s knowing how to stop rumours and not just letting it runs
and not saying plenty gossips, not even just for fun

Life is about who you have ignored

It’s about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and even sometimes revenge

Life is about stopping to hate and don’t follow your anger

It’s about  love and being with whom you love and love you

But most most of all, life is reaching out. Surviving

You can do a random act of kindness without letting anyone knows,

who you are, and why you do so. Strike silent kindness blow

So get it, together, and act as you want others to act towards you

And you’ll find out that life’s TOO short for all the good things you need to do

And cause life is too short, fill everyday you’re given with smiles, laughter, joy and happiness

Live your life to the fullest

Never regret what you’ve done, because it’s DONE anyway!

Just put a smile on your face, never stop learning, and survive 

Love is...
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